When Times Get Hard…

I paint.

I am by no means good at it. I couldn’t do realism if my life depended on it. I would love to be able to paint portraits of my pets or paint the spectacular view of the Rocky Mountains I see out my sliding glass door, but alas realism escapes me. I just get a canvas, some paints and some brushes and start to paint.  Whatever appears is what I create. I have done a few tutorials, but mostly I let my hand and heart guide me.

Right now times are really difficult. We recently moved from Austin, Texas to Longmont, Colorado. This move cost way more than we anticipated and we greatly underestimated how much we would need on hand to get by until my husband’s first paycheck hits the bank (September 14th).

So with this said. I have pulled out some of my paintings and am offering them up for sale.  Since I don’t think they are that wonderful even though I have had folks tell me they love them, I can’t put a price on them. So if you are interested in one or more, just make a donation that you feel is fair. Please consider though that there will be shipping costs so please be sure to include that in your donation.

I accept Google Pay and Venmo

E-Mail to pay me via Google Pay: tessajwebb2011@gmail.com

And now the Paintings:
The first painting is the only one that was from a tutorial, all the others are original works by me and all are 11×14 painted with acrylics and most are on stretched canvas but a couple are on canvas board which is stated on the photo.

papas shed
PaPa’s Shed (painted from a “Painting with Jane” tutorial on youtube)
Riverways (on canvas board)
Bursting Orchid
Orchid Burst
Bursting Blue
Blue Burst
Darkness Fell
Darkness Fell (on canvas board)


All Comments and Feedback Appreciated